Unlike many other types of home disaster, the majority of water damage only comes after the visible damage has been cleared.
Unlike many other types of home disaster, the majority of water damage only comes after the visible damage has been cleared. As time passes and the seemingly invisible effects of water wreak their havoc, your Essex home will inevitably suffer even greater damage. When water damage strikes, it’s essential to be fully aware of the side effects it can have when left untreated. Before you read on, if you believe your home has been affected by water damage call a professional now, the sooner you react, the better your chances for repair.
Minutes 1 to 60
Within the first few minutes, water contamination begins to spread rapidly, immediately increasing the cost of your insurance claim. Any furniture placed on top of carpets may start to bleed, staining rugs and flooring. Any furniture that is sensitive to moisture may begin to turn white; what happens next may become too difficult to remedy.
Hours 1 to 24
After the first few hours, any laminated furniture will begin to peel, and wood will start to swell. The increased humidity will make any odors way more apparent, beginning the long-lasting olfactory damages that will occur. Now, let’s look at what happens after one full day.
Days 1 to 7
Those same odors will become amplified as fungi begin to grow, adding its signature musty scent to the area. Next, your wood floors and structural parts begin to swell, warp, split, and cup, which means the damage could be too much to overcome. Lastly, paint and wallpaper will blister and release from the wall. What happens after a week? Read on to find out more.
Weeks 1 On
If your water damage is not addressed, within the first week you run the risk of completely losing your home. By this time mold will have sunk its roots deep into any organic material in your home, destroying their integrity. Meanwhile, the health hazards associated with that same mold will cause your Essex home to become an allergen and health hazard, forcing any occupants to evacuate.
Act Quickly To Save Your Essex Home
With the damages escalated so quickly, rapid action is key to preventing the worst of your household losses. To prevent damage, call the experts at North Arundel Contracting. Feel free to get in touch with us on our contact page. Reach us by telephone at 410-766-2855, or by fax at 410-553-2367. Our email is [email protected]. For after-hours emergencies ONLY, reach us by pager at 410-541-0328. Be our friend on social media! Pin us on Pinterest. Here is our Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Lastly, find us on LinkedIn.