Need to make your home safer against fires? Avoid these common causes!
House fires are a sad reality that remains far too common among neighborhoods across the United States. In some cases, it is an issue with the home itself that led to the fire, and in other instances, it was due to a mistake. Safety is essential for every household; to prevent a fire from happening at your home, remember to guard against these common causes of house fires.
Faulty Wiring
Electrical wiring and electric panels can grow outdated, even dangerous, over time. The older the home is, the more you need to ensure that it is indeed safe. If it poses a risk, it is best to make redoing the electrical your next home improvement task.
Cooking Gone Wrong
Understandably, most house fires occur in the kitchen. Leaving the range or any other major appliance on all day or all night unattended could be risky. If it is a gas stove, it could produce carbon monoxide. Meanwhile, faulty cooking appliances, microwaving dishware with gold trim, and cooking while distracted are several other common causes.
Powered Equipment
Any equipment that uses natural gas, oil, or electricity for powering has the potential to start a fire if it becomes worn or faulty. For instance, failing to replace the air filter in the furnace can cause the lint and dust to catch fire. The same goes for not cleaning the lint tray in the dryer. Placing the space heater too close to flammable objects like curtains and couches is also dangerous. Be sure to follow directions for, inspect, and maintain your appliances well.
Of course, candles are another risk. Few people use candles for illuminating their dark evenings anymore, but decorative candles are still quite popular. Always keep them at a safe distance from flammable objects, on a sturdy base, and away from young children and pets. Remember to supervise the flames.
Mishaps happen. As mentioned throughout this article, one can see that careless mistakes are one major cause of house fires. Forgetting to turn off the stove, using equipment improperly, failing to maintain appliances correctly, and not supervising or taking care of flammable items or heat sources can lead to an unexpected blaze. It doesn’t have to be this way, however. Knowing the wise and practical steps to take will keep you clear.
Among the careless ways house fires can occur, smoking in or near the house can prove to be a fire hazard. It only takes one spark to ignite a flame. Unfortunately, smoking in bedrooms and lounges make up the majority of house fire fatalities.
If you have more questions about preventing fires in your home, North Arundel Contracting is here to help you out. Our trained professionals can teach you everything there is to know about emergency and general contracting services. Call us any time at 410-766-2855 or reach us by fax at 410-553-2367. Feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. For after-hours emergencies, call us at 410-541-0328. For tips, tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.