If there’s something wrong with the structural integrity of your Ellicott City home, then you might be exposed to mold damage and not realize that anything is wrong.
Considering how cold it is outside, you wouldn’t expect mold to be a problem. But if there’s something wrong with the structural integrity of your Ellicott City home, then you might be exposed to mold damage and not realize that anything is wrong. Here is how to deal with mold damage to your Ellicott City home, especially the damage on your ceiling.
Identifying Mold Damage
The first thing you need to do is determine if there is any mold damage at all. You might be used to used to seeing mold on your food, but you might not be used to seeing it on actual surfaces inside your Ellicott City home. If your ceiling has started to turn brown or grey when it shouldn’t be, then that is one sign of mold growth. Then you can spot the mold growing before your eyes. The smell of mustiness near the source of the leak is another telltale sign.
One dead giveaway is when you or anyone in your family starts to feel sick due to the presence of mold. Mold allergies can be serious, even fatal. Even if you rely on professional expertise, you need to act fast.
Making an Assessment
The next step is to make an assessment. Find out if there was a leak in your roof. Ellicott City is no stranger to heavy rains and flooding, so this is entirely possible. You need to find out how bad the water damage is and how much the mold has grown since the first incursion. Your walls, drywall, floors, and ceilings are all at risk.
Getting Rid of It
Luckily, if there’s only a small amount of mold damage, you can get rid of it. Ellicott City homeowners might not know what to do, but finding the leak and plugging it will make a huge difference. Then get a fungicide solution and kill the mold that is already there. After that, you can clean it off the ceilings or walls, wherever it has accumulated. Be sure to wear the proper protective gear, so you don’t inhale any spores or get them in your eyes. Then allow the room or rooms to dry out – this may mean using more than one dehumidifier. Once that’s done, you need to make sure the mold doesn’t start growing again. That’s why it’s essential to get rid of all of it.
If you have more questions about residential roofing or if you want the professionals to take care of it for you, you can trust North Arundel Contracting. Reach us by telephone at 410-766-2855 or by fax at 410-553-2367 and visit us online. Shoot us an email at [email protected] and for after-hours emergencies, page us at 410-541-0328. To find out what we are up to, or for more tips and tricks, follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.