What do you do when you need to deal with sewage cleanup? After all, sewage cleanup is bound to be a dirty job, with or without expert help.
Are your drains making strange noises? Are they running slowly because of clogs? These might be symptoms of a bigger problem. There could be issues with the sewage system, and the problem is coming back inside of your home. Here’s what to do when you’ve got to deal with sewage cleanup.
Quick Facts About Sewage Problems
- Sewage problems could result from tree roots, blocked pipes, substances like fats, oils, and grease being disposed of down the drain, and soil infiltration.
- You may enjoy using flushable wipes, but they’re not as flushable as you might think. Flushed wipes can clog up sewage drains.
- If sewage systems are combined with storm water systems, then excessive rainfall could cause backups and other problems.
How to Manage Sewage Cleanup
First, you should find out where any standing water is. You might have to discover the location of the sewer drain cleanout. It should be near your house, connected to the lateral line that joins your house’s line with the main sewage line. Shut off the power supply before proceeding, because electricity and water do not mix. Although sometimes you may able to manage the sewage cleanup yourself, you should also call on professional help, especially if any sewage has gotten into your home.
If you decide to handle cleanup yourself, be sure to remember the following:
- Wear protective gloves, goggles, and boots. Once you’ve finished using these pieces of gear, get in touch with your local waste facility. They will inform you how best to dispose of these items.
- Don’t use any chemicals while attempting to clean.
- Rent pumps to help clear the water out.
Once You’ve Cleared the Water
After you have successfully cleared the water out, here’s what you should do:
- Turn on dehumidifiers and the air conditioning. Make sure your AC ductwork hasn’t been contaminated by the sewage first. Using fans and open windows can also facilitate circulation if you need to use these methods instead.
- Get rid of anything that has been soaked by sewage: furniture, carpets, and so on. Smaller but still valuable items, such as papers, books, and pictures can be put into a plastic bag and stored in the freezer. The freezer will slow the growth of mold on these items.
- Cut out and replace any damaged drywall. If you have vinyl wallpaper on your walls, you will also have to remove it so it can dry faster.
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