Owning a home is a great feeling, but pride and joy come with work. There are certain maintenance tasks that you have to do for your home, to keep it up and running well. Learning which of these tasks you can DIY and which big repairs you need a specialist for will help save you some time and money in the long run. Here are some common home repair tasks that you can learn to take care of yourself.

Wobbly Legs
Old tables and chairs often suffer from wobbly legs because as they become loose and are repaired one leg at a time, they never go back together in the same way. Start by dismantling the whole thing. Label all of the parts so that you can easily put it back together – don’t give yourself an impossible jigsaw puzzle. Once all of the legs are off, chisel out any old glue that’s stuck to the pieces. When they’re clean, apply new glue and reassemble. Hold all of the parts together with clamps or rope till the glue dries.
Sticking Drawers
If the drawers in your old wooden cabinets and dressers seem to stick, making it hard to pull them out and shut them again easily, there’s an easy DIY trick for that! Pull the drawer out and check where it slides against the frame, usually on the sides or in a channel on the bottom. Rub an old candlestick along the area on both the drawer and the cabinet or dresser. Replace the drawer, and it should glide smoothly and easily.
Rubbing Doors
At certain times of the year or in certain weather, usually humidity related, does one or more of the doors in your home rub against its frame and stick? This usually happens because the door swells slightly, just enough to stick a little. Take a better look at the door and figure out where it is sticking (usually the outer edge at the top, bottom, or both). The trick is to tighten the contact between the door and the opposite wall to pull back on the area that is rubbing. Sometimes you can achieve this just by tightening or loosening the hinges on the opposite side. For instance, if the top corner on the outside is sticking, you might need to tighten the top hinge and loosen the bottom or middle hinge a little so that the door lifts away from the frame ever so slightly at the top.
If you have even more questions about mold, mold damage, and how to get rid of it, or if you want the professionals to take care of it for you, you can trust North Arundel Contracting. Reach us by telephone at 410-766-2855 or by fax at 410-553-2367 and visit us online. Shoot us an email at [email protected] and for after-hours emergencies, page us at 410-541-0328. To find out what we are up to, or for more tips and tricks, follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.