North Arundel Contracting can help you rebuild your house after a fire.
Few things are as life-altering as a massive, devastating fire that destroys a home. While the process seems almost unimaginable, you can rebuild a house and recreate a home after such an event. The restoration and rebuilding process might be time-consuming, but with the right professionals helping you, it doesn’t have to be terrible. Read on for an overview of how to rebuild a burned house after a disaster.
The Cost of Rebuilding
The nature of the fire is going to influence how devastating it is. All fires will cause some degree of smoke and fire damage, but extremely hot fires (like forest fires) can do more damage than standard fires, particularly to foundation elements. The way that the fire is put out will also cause some degree of damage, with fire hoses doing a lot more damage, generally, than a sprinkler system.
The Insurance Claim
Your insurance company should be one of the first resources you call, since the rebuilding process can’t begin till they send an adjuster. The adjuster will come out to assess and document the damage caused by the fire and then the company can figure out how much you will get to rebuild and give you the green light to go ahead. When you’re waiting, keep all of your receipts for food and temporary lodging, in case those can be reimbursed.
Planning and Preparation
The process of rebuilding starts with debris removal. This is best left to professionals, since debris from a building fire can potentially be hazardous. They will know how to thoroughly and quickly remove all debris so rebuilding can start. You’ll also want to hire a professional to help you plan and rebuild. While the clean-up is happening, get quotes and choose the best contractor for the job. Make sure that the one you choose specializes in rebuilding after a disaster and knows to obtain necessary permits, applications, and incentives.
Construction and Beyond
Once you’re ready for construction to begin, the process will have multiple steps depending on how substantial the damage was. You will likely have to have several inspections along the way to make sure the work is according to code. There may be additional clean-up needed as crews repair or replace damaged foundation elements. Eventually, though, the building will be rebuilt, and you can move back in and start fresh. Once you do, make sure your fire safety elements are in place and working and check them periodically.
If you have more questions about preventing fires in your home, North Arundel Contracting is here to help you out. Our trained professionals can teach you everything there is to know about house fires. Call us any time at 410-766-2855 or reach us by fax at 410-553-2367. Feel free to send us an email at [email protected] and for after-hours emergencies, call us at 410-541-0328. For tips, tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.