Interior painting can be a real challenge.
Interior painting can be a real challenge. Do you need to paint your interiors? Not sure where or how to get started? Well, not to worry! In this blog we’ll give you some easy to follow, handy tips for how to get interior painting done. Getting professional-looking results is easy, but as always, don’t be afraid to call on the professionals themselves.
Interior Painting Starts with Good Preparation
First of all, you’ll want to prepare the actual surface you’re about to paint. This surface doesn’t necessarily have to be a wall, but walls are the most common paint-able surface. Preparing surfaces of rooms for interior painting is the hardest part and the least enjoyable. What goes into preparing a room? Tasks such as scraping, sanding, patching, and filling any cracks, dents, or flaws you may find. Not only are pockmarked and cracked surfaces unsightly, but no amount of paint will help cover those flaws.
Next, Interior Painting Needs a Primer
The next step is to ready the primer. Start getting the primer ready by adding some tint. Generally, the professionals will do this step by adding a tiny amount of topcoat paint into the paint mixture. This nifty technique improves the topcoat’s ability to help mask the painted surface.
You might be wondering, what does the primer do? Primer keeps stains from getting through, and you’ll only need to apply one coat of paint. Paint adhesion is another benefit of primer, as it helps paint stick to the surface better.
Use Canvas, and Not Plastic
A plastic drop cloth may seem like the easiest and cheapest medium to help protect surfaces when you paint. A canvas drop cloth, though, might be a better idea. Much more durable and resistant to rips than plastic, canvas will last longer.You’re much less likely to trip over a canvas drop cloth. They’re easier to store, and they don’t need to be disposed of after being used. Most importantly, paint will make plastic slippery, but the same won’t happen to canvas.
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