Here’s how you’ll know tree removal services are absolutely necessary!
In some instances, a residential homeowner might need to reach out to North Arundel Contracting for a one-time emergency tree removal service. As a temporary emergency solution, we can come out to your property to make a temporary fix or complete tree removal to remedy any problem that might lead to immeasurable damage. If you’re wondering what constitutes a tree emergency, it’s typically a scenario where a tree may end up causing damage to your home or neighbor’s house if it isn’t removed. It’s especially important to contact North Arundel Contracting for emergency tree removal if a tree has fallen onto one’s personal property, a tree is leaning towards your home, or if one is coming dangerously close to power lines.
Get Tree Emergency Services If a Tree Has Fallen On Personal Property
Once a tree has fallen on your personal property, it means the structural roots within the tree are dead, and your personal property is now permanently impacted. Now, you’ll have to call out North Arundel Contracting as an emergency solution to get the tree off of your property or move the tree’s location as a temporary fix. Our experienced team can evaluate the extent of damage caused by the tree and work with you to develop the best solution for your property.
A Tree is Leaning Towards Your Home
It’s never a good sign when a tree starts to lean towards your home or neighbors home. If the tree is on your property, you are responsible for any damages that may occur to your neighbors’ property. It’s important to contact an arborist to determine the structural integrity of a tree to see if the tree is hollow within the inside or has root damage that may make it foundationally damaged to the point where it needs to be removed.
A Tree is Leaning Too Close to Power Lines
For many homeowners, you might not be aware that you need to keep a great deal of distance between the trees you plant and your power lines. If a tree begins to inch too close to power lines, it can become a danger to your property. When it rains or storms, any wet trees can attract electricity and cause power failure or a total grounding on your property. If you think you need an emergency tree removal service, contact North Arundel Contracting immediately!
If you have more questions about our services for your home or commercial facility, North Arundel Contracting is here to help you out. Our trained professionals can teach you everything there is to know about emergency and general contracting services. Call us any time at 410-766-2855 or reach us by fax at 410-553-2367. Feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. For after-hours emergencies, call us at 410-541-0328. For tips, tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us onPinterest,Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.